Sunday, November 3, 2013
Happy Diwali 2013 & new hindu year
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Master's Birthday Celebration
Tomorrow (15 August)
11:30am service (food for hunger)
06:30pm Twin Hearts Meditation
07:30pm Birthday Celebration
* service mate 2 vyakti nu food potana ghare thi banavi-packing kari lavi shakay.
More info, plz contact
+917802876652 & 9998708957.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Guru Purnima
6:30p exercises
6:45p Twin Hearts
7:30p Kabala meditation
7:50p Guru Meditation :-)
Sarva loko ne Guru Purnima ni shubh kamanao. Sarva par Guru krupa raho.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Rajpur primary school's photo of food for children
રાજપુર પ્રાથમિક શાળા ના ભોજન-કાર્યક્રમ ના ફોટા માટે ક્લીક કરો અહીંયા
Friday, June 21, 2013
friday meditation
Friday, June 14, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
31-05-2013, Friday: weekly group meditation
આજ નું ટ્વીન હાર્ટસ મેડીટેશન શ્રી ઉપેન્દ્રભાઈ ના ઘરે છે . સાંજે 6:30pm
સરનામું : ગુલબાની નગર નજીક, ડીસા
Friday, May 17, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Conversation with Jayesh Modi
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Charlotte Anderson's message (20-04-2013)A Loving Atma Namaste! In preparing for The Wesak - next week ... Please bring into your Conscious Awareness - The Vajra Guru Mantra ... which begins with an Invocation & then goes into a dialogue between Yeshe Tsogyal, the spiritual consort of Padmasambhava, & Lord Padmasambhava himself. She wrote: "In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war ... Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will be very difficult to avert. In these evil times, even individuals with fortunate karma will find it difficult to encounter these teachings. It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances for these teachings to be revealed. This is a sign that the collective merit of beings is on the wane.
However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible ... This will avert all of the negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens and indications in all the countries of the world, such that the rain will fall in a timely manner for the crops so there will always be a plentiful supply of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and areas will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions." You may begin Playing this Important Mantra every day! Loving Blessings be with All!
Vajra Guru (Padmasambhava) Mantra - Tibetan Buddhism
OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Information on Vajra Guru and the mantra, please visit this website.
Posted By Blogger to PH Gujarat at 4/20/2013 08:11:00 PM
ગુરુ સ્ત્રોતરમ
અખણ્ડમણ્ડલાકારં વ્યાપ્તં યેન ચરાચરમ |
તત્પદં દર્શિતં યેન તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 1 ||અજ્ઞાનતિમિરાન્ધસ્ય જ્ઞાનાઞ્જનશલાકયા |
ચક્ષુરુન્મીલિતં યેન તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 2 ||ગુરુર્બ્રહ્મા ગુરુર્વિષ્ણુઃ ગુરુર્દેવો મહેશ્વરઃ |
ગુરુરેવ પરંબ્રહ્મ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 3 ||સ્થાવરં જંગમં વ્યાપ્તં યત્કિંચિત્સચરાચરમ |
તત્પદં દર્શિતં યેન તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 4 ||ચિન્મયં વ્યાપિયત્સર્વં ત્રૈલોક્યં સચરાચરમ |
તત્પદં દર્શિતં યેન તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 5 ||ત્સર્વશ્રુતિશિરોરત્નવિરાજિત પદામ્બુજઃ |
વેદાન્તામ્બુજસૂર્યોયઃ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 6 ||ચૈતન્યઃ શાશ્વતઃશાન્તો વ્યોમાતીતો નિરંજનઃ |
બિન્દુનાદ કલાતીતઃ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 7 ||જ્ઞાનશક્તિસમારૂઢઃ તત્ત્વમાલાવિભૂષિતઃ |
ભુક્તિમુક્તિપ્રદાતા ચ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 8 ||અનેકજન્મસંપ્રાપ્ત કર્મબન્ધવિદાહિને |
આત્મજ્ઞાનપ્રદાનેન તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 9 ||શોષણં ભવસિન્ધોશ્ચ જ્ઞાપણં સારસંપદઃ |
ગુરોઃ પાદોદકં સમ્યક તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 10 ||ન ગુરોરધિકં તત્ત્વં ન ગુરોરધિકં તપઃ |
તત્ત્વજ્ઞાનાત્પરં નાસ્તિ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 11 ||મન્નાથઃ શ્રીજગન્નાથઃ મદ્ગુરુઃ શ્રીજગદ્ગુરુઃ |
મદાત્મા સર્વભૂતાત્મા તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 12 ||ગુરુરાદિરનાદિશ્ચ ગુરુઃ પરમદૈવતમ |
ગુરોઃ પરતરં નાસ્તિ તસ્મૈ શ્રીગુરવે નમઃ || 13 ||ત્વમેવ માતા ચ પિતા ત્વમેવ
ત્વમેવ બન્ધુશ્ચ સખા ત્વમેવ |
ત્વમેવ વિદ્યા દ્રવિણં ત્વમેવ
ત્વમેવ સર્વં મમ દેવ દેવ || 14 ||Guru strotram
akhaṇḍamaṇḍalākāraṃ vyāptaṃ yena carācaram |
tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 1 ||aṅñānatimirāndhasya ṅñānāñjanaśalākayā |
cakṣurunmīlitaṃ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 2 ||gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheśvaraḥ |
gurureva parambrahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 3 ||sthāvaraṃ jaṅgamaṃ vyāptaṃ yatkiñcitsacarācaram |
tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 4 ||cinmayaṃ vyāpiyatsarvaṃ trailokyaṃ sacarācaram |
tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 5 ||tsarvaśrutiśiroratnavirājita padāmbujaḥ |
vedāntāmbujasūryoyaḥ tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 6 ||caitanyaḥ śāśvataḥśānto vyomātīto nirañjanaḥ |
bindunāda kalātītaḥ tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 7 ||ṅñānaśaktisamārūḍhaḥ tattvamālāvibhūṣitaḥ |
bhuktimuktipradātā ca tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 8 ||anekajanmasamprāpta karmabandhavidāhine |
ātmaṅñānapradānena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 9 ||śoṣaṇaṃ bhavasindhośca ṅñāpaṇaṃ sārasampadaḥ |
guroḥ pādodakaṃ samyak tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 10 ||na guroradhikaṃ tattvaṃ na guroradhikaṃ tapaḥ |
tattvaṅñānātparaṃ nāsti tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 11 ||mannāthaḥ śrījagannāthaḥ madguruḥ śrījagadguruḥ |
madātmā sarvabhūtātmā tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 12 ||gururādiranādiśca guruḥ paramadaivatam |
guroḥ parataraṃ nāsti tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 13 ||tvameva mātā ca pitā tvameva
tvameva bandhuśca sakhā tvameva |
tvameva vidyā draviṇaṃ tvameva
tvameva sarvaṃ mama deva deva || 14 ||Atma namaste આત્મા નમસ્તે
Posted By Blogger to PH Gujarat at 5/05/2013 09:15:00 AM
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Charlotte anderson (Maa)'s message on 20-4-2013 on FB
Charlotte Anderson's message (20-04-2013)
A Loving Atma Namaste! In preparing for The Wesak - next week ... Please bring into your Conscious Awareness - The Vajra Guru Mantra ... which begins with an Invocation & then goes into a dialogue between Yeshe Tsogyal, the spiritual consort of Padmasambhava, & Lord Padmasambhava himself. She wrote: "In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war ... Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will be very difficult to avert. In these evil times, even individuals with fortunate karma will find it difficult to encounter these teachings. It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances for these teachings to be revealed. This is a sign that the collective merit of beings is on the wane.
However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible ... This will avert all of the negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens and indications in all the countries of the world, such that the rain will fall in a timely manner for the crops so there will always be a plentiful supply of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and areas will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions." You may begin Playing this Important Mantra every day! Loving Blessings be with All!
However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible ... This will avert all of the negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens and indications in all the countries of the world, such that the rain will fall in a timely manner for the crops so there will always be a plentiful supply of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and areas will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions." You may begin Playing this Important Mantra every day! Loving Blessings be with All!
Vajra Guru (Padmasambhava) Mantra - Tibetan Buddhism
OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Information on Vajra Guru and the mantra, please visit this website.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Food for hunger programme.... Event on 17-4-2013

atma namaste,
next food for programme on 17-04-2013 , Wednesday at Malgarh primary school,deesa at 10AM. all of you warm wel come for service purpose.
"The yoga of knowledge and understanding also requires physical purification and inner purification- character building. without physical purification, the body may become sick. without inner purification, the meditator may become psychologically imbalanced. it is also important to generate good karma by doing service and tithing, in order to offset one's ancient negative karma."
- Master Choa Kok Sui, the existence of God is self-evident, page-6.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday Meditation on Twin Hearts, 5-4-2013
atma namaste,
Fentastic friday meditation on twin hearts done today at alpaben's home. Many students come there. three freshers also come there. thank you for come there and done fentastic job. we are doing every friday meditation on twin hearts from last almost 20 months.
Thank you God & Guru and all higher beings for Great Great blessings.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Master says "There is a way and way is on its way!!!"

Monday, April 1, 2013
what is pranic healing ?
What is pranic healing ?
Pranic Healing is an ancient science and art that utilizes prana or life energy to heal ailments in the body. Ancient cultures practiced similar modes of healing known as shamanic healing, divine healing, healing by mantra, among others.
In its existing form, Pranic Healing has been painstakingly, systematically, scientifically developed, revealed and taught globally by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Similar modalities are called medical qigong or ki healing, psychic healing, vitalic healing, reiki, therapeutic touch, laying of the hand, magnetic healing, faith healing, and charismatic healing.
Prana or ki is the life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. This energy is subtle but pervasive. The natural condition of the body’s energy is balanced. When the body’s prana or ki is too much or too little, it becomes unhealthy. The result is the body is unable to function properly, and eventually presents symptoms of illness. In Pranic Healing, physical ailments are treated through the subtle energy of the patient using prana thereby assisting and accelerating in several degrees, the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
With patience and persistence, Pranic Healing is easy to learn. As simplified by Master Choa Kok Sui, it is a transferable technology. Its principles and techniques can be learned in a few sessions. Students can reach a certain degree of skill or proficiency given enough practice and time. There are several levels of Pranic Healing. Each of the levels is formally taught in internationally standardized modules, in about 18 hours per level. Proficiency is gained through constant practice and study.
The first level deals with the principles and basic techniques, enabling the student to heal simple physical ailments.
The second level , Advanced Pranic Healing, makes use of advanced techniques and colors, thereby shortening the healing time. Students are familiarized and taught treatments for more severe chronic ailments.
The third level, Pranic Psychotherapy, delves into the treatment of psychological aspect of diseases and their causes using even more potent energy techniques.
The fourth level is Pranic Crystal Healing. It is the technology of crystals for treatment of severe and chronic ailments.
There are higher levels but they were taught to more senior students for application in their mission to assist in the spread the teachings.
Each of the first four levels are taught accompanied by books, written by Master Choa Kok Sui as veritable “cookbooks” in the treatment of disease. These courses and books are available in Pranic Healing Centres in 73 countries. The first book, Miracles Through Pranic Healing has been translated into 34 languages to date. The second book, Advanced Pranic Healing into 17 languages.
Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox western medicine, but rather to complement it. Countless people and their families have been treated and are enjoying a better quality of life through Pranic Healing.
The Institute for Inner Studies, Inc., the World Pranic Healing Foundation and all the national and local Pranic Healing Centres and Pranic Healing Foundations are committed to the task of continuing Master Choa Kok Sui’s noble work: to alleviate human suffering.
Path of Knowledge and Understanding
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love,
Where there is injury, Your pardon Lord,
And where there's doubt, true faith in You
Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness - only light,
And where there's sadness, ever joy
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek,
So much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood, as to understand,
To be loved, as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all men that we receive,
And in dying that we're born to eternal life