My name is Jayesh Modi and I will provide here knowledge of std 9 and std 10 teachings for Gujarat' student, motivational quotes, pranic healing, Hindi, Gujarati, osho, Jiddu Krishnamurthy, buddha teaching, forgiveness prayer, meditation on twin hearts,,teacher,results, students homework status,lessions

Jayesh Modi

live a life with purpose and joyfully

2017-18 batch

Class 9 f

Jayesh Modi

Std 9b in 2021-22

Jayesh Modi

During teaching

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

खाना खाएं भी और पचाये भी

खाना खाएं भी और पचाये भी
डॉ. कोमल अग्रवाल

हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद.!
क्या कारण है.?
हमने दाल खाई,
हमने सब्जी खाई, 
हमने रोटी खाई,
हमने दही खाया,
लस्सी पी, दूध, दही, छाछ, लस्सी, फल आदि.!
ये सब कुछ भोजन के रूप मे हमने ग्रहण किया
ये सब कुछ हमको उर्जा देता है
और पेट उस उर्जा को आगे ट्रांसफर करता है.!
पेट मे एक छोटा सा स्थान होता है
जिसको हम हिंदी मे कहते है "अमाशय"
उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है "जठर"
उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है
ये एक थैली की तरह होता है
और यह जठर
हमारे शरीर मे सबसे
महत्वपूर्ण है
क्योंकि सारा खाना सबसे पहले इसी मे आता है।
ये बहुत छोटा सा स्थान हैं
इसमें अधिक से अधिक 350gms खाना आ सकता है.!
हम कुछ भी खाते
सब ये अमाशय मे आ जाता है.!

आमाशय मे अग्नि प्रदीप्त होती है

उसी को कहते हे "जठराग्नि".!
ये जठराग्नि है
वो अमाशय मे प्रदीप्त होने वाली आग है ।
ऐसे ही पेट मे होता है
जेसे ही आपने खाना खाया
की जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गयी..
यह ऑटोमेटिक है,
जेसे ही अपने रोटी का पहला टुकड़ा मुँह मे डाला
की इधर जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गई.!
ये अग्नि तब तक जलती हे जब तक खाना' पचता है |

अब अपने खाते ही
गटागट पानी पी लिया
और खूब ठंडा पानी पी लिया.

और कई लोग तो बोतल पे बोतल पी जाते है.!

अब जो आग (जठराग्नि) जल रही थी
वो बुझ गयी.!
आग अगर बुझ गयी
.तो खाने की पचने की जो क्रिया है
वो रुक गयी.!
You suffer from IBS,

अब हमेशा याद रखें
खाना जाने पर
हमारे पेट में दो ही क्रिया होती है,
एक क्रिया है
जिसको हम कहते हे
और दूसरी है "fermentation" फर्मेंटेशन का मतलब है
डायजेशन का मतलब हे

आयुर्वेद के हिसाब से आग जलेगी
तो खाना पचेगा,
खाना पचेगा
तो उससे रस बनेगा.!
जो रस बनेगा
तो उसी रस से
मांस, मज्जा, रक्त, वीर्य, हड्डिया, मल, मूत्र और अस्थि बनेगा
और सबसे अंत मे मेद बनेगा.!

ये तभी होगा
जब खाना पचेगा.!

यह सब हमें चाहिए.
ये तो हुई खाना पचने की बात.
अब जब खाना सड़ेगा तब क्या होगा..? 

खाने के सड़ने पर
सबसे पहला जहर जो बनता है
वो हे यूरिक एसिड (uric acid)

कई बार आप डॉक्टर के पास जाकर कहते है
की मुझे घुटने मे दर्द हो रहा है,
मुझे कंधे-कमर मे दर्द हो रहा है 

तो डॉक्टर कहेगा आपका यूरिक एसिड बढ़ रहा है
आप ये दवा खाओ,
वो दवा खाओ यूरिक एसिड कम करो|
और एक दूसरा उदाहरण खाना 

जब खाना सड़ता है,
तो यूरिक एसिड जेसा ही एक दूसरा विष बनता है
जिसको हम कहते हे
LDL (Low Density lipoprotine)
माने खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल (cholesterol)

जब आप
ब्लड प्रेशर(BP) चेक कराने
डॉक्टर के पास जाते हैं
तो वो आपको कहता है (HIGH BP)

हाई-बीपी है
आप पूछोगे...
कारण बताओ.?

तो वो कहेगा
कोलेस्ट्रोल बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ा हुआ है |

आप ज्यादा पूछोगे
की कोलेस्ट्रोल कौनसा बहुत है ?

तो वो आपको कहेगा
LDL बहुत है | 

इससे भी ज्यादा
खतरनाक एक  विष है
वो है.... VLDL
(Very Low Density Lipoprotine)

ये भी कोलेस्ट्रॉल जेसा ही विष है।
अगर VLDL बहुत बढ़ गया
तो आपको भगवान भी नहीं बचा सकता|

खाना सड़ने पर
और जो जहर बनते है
उसमे एक ओर विष है
जिसको अंग्रेजी मे हम कहते है triglycerides.!

जब भी डॉक्टर
आपको कहे
की आपका "triglycerides" बढ़ा हुआ है
तो समझ लीजिए
की आपके शरीर मे
विष निर्माण हो रहा है |

तो कोई यूरिक एसिड के नाम से कहे,
कोई कोलेस्ट्रोल के नाम से कहे,
कोई LDL -VLDL के नाम से कहे
समझ लीजिए
की ये विष हे
और ऐसे विष 103 है |

ये सभी विष
तब बनते है
जब खाना सड़ता है |

मतलब समझ लीजिए
किसी का कोलेस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ है
तो एक ही मिनिट मे ध्यान आना चाहिए
की खाना पच नहीं रहा है ,

कोई कहता है
मेरा triglycerides बहुत बढ़ा हुआ है
तो एक ही मिनिट मे डायग्नोसिस कर लीजिए आप...!
की आपका खाना पच नहीं रहा है |

कोई कहता है
मेरा यूरिक एसिड बढ़ा हुआ है
तो एक ही मिनिट लगना चाहिए समझने मे
की खाना पच नहीं रहा है | 

क्योंकि खाना पचने पर
इनमे से कोई भी जहर नहीं बनता.!

खाना पचने पर
जो बनता है
वो है....
मांस, मज्जा, रक्त, वीर्य, हड्डिया, मल, मूत्र, अस्थि.! 


खाना नहीं पचने पर बनता है....
यूरिक एसिड,

और यही
आपके शरीर को
रोगों का घर बनाते है.!

पेट मे बनने वाला यही जहर
जब ज्यादा बढ़कर खून मे आते है !
तो खून दिल की नाड़ियो मे से निकल नहीं पाता
और रोज थोड़ा थोड़ा कचरा
जो खून मे आया है
इकट्ठा होता रहता है
और एक दिन नाड़ी को ब्लॉक कर देता है
जिसे आप
heart attack कहते हैं.!

तो हमें जिंदगी मे ध्यान इस बात पर देना है
की जो हम खा रहे हे
वो शरीर मे ठीक से पचना चाहिए
और खाना ठीक से पचना चाहिए
इसके लिए पेट मे
ठीक से आग (जठराग्नि) प्रदीप्त होनी ही चाहिए|

बिना आग के खाना पचता नहीं हे
और खाना पकता भी नहीं है 

महत्व की बात
खाने को खाना नहीं
खाने को पचाना है |

आपने क्या खाया कितना खाया
वो महत्व नहीं हे.!

खाना अच्छे से पचे
इसके लिए वाणभट्ट जी ने सूत्र दिया.!

"भोजनान्ते विषं वारी"

खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद
पानी पीना
जहर पीने के बराबर है)

इसलिए खाने के
तुरंत बाद पानी
कभी मत पिये..!

अब आपके मन मे सवाल आएगा
कितनी देर तक नहीं पीना.?

तो 1 घंटे 48 मिनट तक नहीं पीना ! 

अब आप कहेंगे
क्या calculation हैं.?

बात ऐसी है....!

जब हम खाना खाते हैं
तो जठराग्नि द्वारा
सब एक दूसरे मे
मिक्स होता है
और फिर खाना पेस्ट मे बदलता हैं.!

पेस्ट मे बदलने की क्रिया होने तक
1 घंटा 48 मिनट का समय लगता है ! 

उसके बाद जठराग्नि कम हो जाती है.!

(बुझती तो नहीं लेकिन बहुत धीमी हो जाती है) 

पेस्ट बनने के बाद
शरीर मे रस बनने की
प्रक्रिया शुरू होती है !

तब हमारे शरीर को
पानी की जरूरत होती हैं।

तब आप जितना इच्छा हो
उतना पानी पिये.!

जो बहुत मेहनती लोग है
(खेत मे हल चलाने वाले,
रिक्शा खीचने वाले,
पत्थर तोड़ने वाले)

उनको 1 घंटे के बाद ही
रस बनने लगता है
उनको  घंटे बाद
पानी पीना चाहिए ! 

अब आप कहेंगे
खाना खाने के पहले
कितने मिनट तक पानी पी सकते हैं.?

तो खाना खाने के
45 मिनट पहले तक
आप पानी पी सकते हैं ! 

अब आप पूछेंगे
ये मिनट का calculation....?

बात ऐसी ही
जब हम पानी पीते हैं
तो वो शरीर के प्रत्येक अंग तक जाता है !

और अगर बच जाये
तो 45 मिनट बाद मूत्र पिंड तक पहुंचता है.! 

तो पानी - पीने से मूत्र पिंड तक आने का समय 45 मिनट का है ! 

तो आप खाना खाने से
45 मिनट पहले ही
पाने पिये.! 

इसका जरूर पालण करे..! 

अधिक अधिक लोगो को बताएं.!
If you think that
It's educating people
Then you may spread.
It's all upto you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

7 steps of forgiveness

Forgiveness is very desirable. For those who receive it, the burden of guilt is lifted. For those who give it, resentment and anger can be released, clearing the slate in a relationship and making room for peace.

Despite this, in everyday life forgiveness is not easy to achieve. Let's see if there is a way to offer genuine forgiveness, especially to those closest to you, because ironically, they are the ones you should forgive first and yet they are often the hardest to deal with.

Key Steps to Forgiveness
Here are the key steps involved:

Feel your emotions and face them directly.
Write down your reasons for not forgiving someone.
Ask yourself how motivated you are to offer forgiveness.
Let go of as much resentment and anger as you can, here and now.
Envision what the future would be like if you do forgive the other person.
Reconnect at a sincere positive level.
Find the place of forgiveness in your own awareness.
Each of these steps clears up a specific obstacle to forgiveness that may be inside you. Let's see how this works, step by step.

1. Feel Your Emotions and Face Them Directly
Resistance to forgiveness is fueled by emotions. You can rationalize why somebody else did something unforgivable, because deep down you feel angry, resentful, victimized, and hurt. Be honest with your grievance and go to the emotional level where it is rooted. Let the feeling be what it is. The purpose of this step is twofold, because if you confront your feelings, you also have the choice to release them.

Instead of jumping straight to forgiveness, take responsibility for your own emotions. If you can, let go of at least a small portion of your story of how things were supposed to go. Letting go is almost as hard as forgiving, I know. At least say to yourself, "Maybe if I let go of my interpretation of events and what is unfair, I don't have to be stuck with this feeling."

2. Write Down Your Reasons for Not Forgiving Someone
This is best done in the form of a letter addressed to the person you feel wronged you. List all your resentments and reasons in detail. Set the letter aside for a day and return to it to add anything else you forgot to say. When you are completely satisfied, put the letter away to consult later. Don't mail it. Its purpose was to get everything off your chest.

3. Ask Yourself How Motivated You Are to Offer Forgiveness
Before you started this process, you may have had little motivation to forgive the other person. There can be various reasons for this stubbornness, usually including righteous indignation. Now check to see if your resistance to forgiveness is ready to move. But don't set any expectation on yourself. If you are still mad as hell, if you feel devastated by hurt, or simply consider what was done to you unforgivable, it's better to know the truth than to pretend. No matter how weak or strong your motivation is, say to yourself, "All right, this is where I really am." Sometimes simply being honest with yourself begins to thaw the log jam.

4. Let Go of Resentment and Anger, Here and Now
You can only change what you are aware of, and by now you have gained self-awareness about the situation. Return to the letter that outlines all your grievances and reflect on each point one at a time. As you do, ask yourself, "Can I begin to let go of this resistance?" Don't force yourself to be magnanimous but stay with how you really feel.

Some items on your list will have begun to soften, and when you encounter this, say, "Maybe there is another interpretation of this event than the painful one I am holding on to." Release what you can and no more. At the same time, feel the burden of anger and resentment begin to lift. That's a positive feeling which will increase your motivation to keep with the forgiving process.

5. Envision What the Future Would Be Like If You Forgive the Other Person
Any place you feel your grievance beginning to melt away, pause and envision what it would feel like to be at peace with the other person. Sense the warmth in your heart. If it leads to tears or sobbing, that's okay—catharsis is a powerful emotion. If you can, feel the possibility of loving the other person, wishing them well, and setting them free—all of which is in your power.

6. Reconnect at a Sincere Positive Level
When you can't forgive someone, you usually isolate yourself from them, either physically or emotionally. Make an effort to repair this isolation and decide the appropriate level of reconnection. The safest course may be to write a note or send a card expressing your desire to reconnect and then leaving the next step to the other person. Be risk-averse here. You are treading on sensitive ground for both of you.

7. Find the Place of Forgiveness in Your Own Awareness
The final step of the forgiveness process is to shift your state of awareness. Forgiveness is a state of consciousness, not an action. Emotions get you closer to forgiveness yet they also block the way. If you remove the obstacles, it turns out that forgiveness is completely natural and generally far easier than you may have supposed.

More importantly, once you shift your awareness into forgiveness, there is a much smaller chance that you will relapse. The experience of being a forgiving person becomes part of your spiritual journey, something you deeply need and desire.

Can’t Sleep? How to Treat Sleep Issues Without Medication

Can't Sleep? How to Treat Sleep Issues Without Medication
By Sheila Patel, M.D.

Sleep is vital to your health and well-being, but for some people, it's elusive. According to the American Sleep Association, there are an estimated 50 to 70 million U.S. adults who experience some type of sleep loss or sleep disorder. Sleeping issues can interfere with the quality of your life, your physical health, and negatively affect your emotional balance, cognitive ability, and motor skills. If you suffer from sleeping issues, you understand that this disruption can cause problems in your home, work, and community life.

While sleep issues may be common, it doesn't mean you have to accept them as a part of your everyday life. Take control of your well-being by understanding how sleep issues negatively impact your health and the best treatment options for long-term change.  

The Consequences of Sleep Loss and Sleep Disorders
While the amount of sleep a person needs can vary depending on age and other health factors, it seems that for optimal health, you should get seven to eight hours per night. This amount of sleep should be good quality and during the right times, so your body can restore and rejuvenate. When you don't get enough quality sleep, you don't wake up feeling rested. Outside of the normal fatigue, negative attitude, and fogginess that you may experience with lack of enough quality sleep, it has also been linked to a host of long-term health problems, including:

Heart disease
High blood pressure
Mood disorders
Poor immune function
Alcohol dependence
Reduced life expectancy
The body functions by means of an "internal clock" that regulates the physiological processes in the body, including hormonal and metabolic cycles. This is known as your circadian rhythm. Research is beginning to shed light on the molecular mechanisms that control this biological clock. It functions automatically via "clock genes" in every cell of the body, and is also affected by external stimuli such as light, timing of meals, and emotions. To be the healthiest you can be, your waking and sleeping cycle should be aligned with this programmed biological clock. Chronic disruptions to the internal circadian control mechanisms predispose you to many health conditions.

The most commonly reported sleep disorder is insomnia, which occurs due to various biological, psychological, and social factors, including chronic stress. Insomnia can include issues with falling asleep, staying asleep, or quality of sleep. Diagnosable insomnia affects approximately 6 percent of the U.S. population, but, like other sleep disorders, can often go undiagnosed and untreated.

Treatment Options for Sleep Issues
There are many different treatment options available for sleep loss and sleep disorders. However, not all treatments are created equal. In today's clinical culture, it's easy to view sleep medication as an attractive option to treat sleep loss and sleep disorders because it's common, easy to use, and readily available. While sleep medication, and even alcohol used to induce sleep, can offer short-term relief of your symptoms, they are not a long-term solution, and can lead to other health problems down the line.

Sleep medications and alcohol do not give you the same type of deep restful and restorative sleep as falling asleep naturally. In a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, researchers discovered that certain hypnotic sleep aids—such as Ambien and Sonata—may interfere with sleep-related memory consolidation that occurs during natural sleep. Another study found that benzodiazepines—another widely used class of sleep medications—can suppress respiration and worsen symptoms of sleep apnea. 

To create lasting change, you need to adopt a holistic treatment regimen that allows the mind and body to settle and calm, and that re-connects you to your natural sleep mechanisms.

Pranayama: Foundation for Balance
Pranayama is a yogic practice that 
Pranayama is a yogic practice that is foundational to help achieve healthy, restful sleep. This type of concentrated and deliberate breathing can help calm your central nervous system and "turn off" the stress response in the body while "turning on" the relaxation response.

If you take the stress of the day to bed with you, it will interfere with your body's natural programming to relax and fall asleep. When you are in the stress response during sleep, although your eyes are closed, you may not be restoring and energizing the system because your body and mind are ready to deal with a threat at any minute. On the other hand, when the relaxation response is activated, you are more in sync with your natural circadian rhythm, and are more likely to fall asleep naturally and easily. Because the mind and body are calm, and not feeling threatened, they can do the job of healing and repairing what is necessary for longevity and healthy aging.

To help your body prepare for restorative sleep, use yogic breathing techniques. Before you go to bed, try practicing belly breathing for 5-10 minutes. This simple breathing technique will allow you to drift to sleep in a relaxed state, and you will be more likely to remain in a relaxed state during sleep. Here's how to do it: 

Lie on your back, close your eyes, and bring awareness to your chest.
Without too much concentration, gently breath in and out through your nose while your belly gently rises on inhalation and falls with exhalation. 
As you inhale, bring in a positive emotion to the area of your heart, such as gratitude, compassion, and love. (You can simply repeat silently: "I am gratitude" "I am compassion" "I am love")
Another yogic breathing technique you can try is alternating nostril breathing for 5-10 minutes. Follow these steps to learn the practice. This type of breathing calms the mind and allows you to detach from thoughts, which are often keeping you from sleeping. Note: If you are experiencing stuffiness, and find it difficult to breathe through your nose, try using a neti pot to clear your sinuses before practicing.

When you remove the things that are getting in the way of your natural sleep, such as the stress response, and bring in practices like these to align with your natural cycle, then healthy, natural sleep is possible. 

Preparing Your Mind for Sleep
A rested mind allows you to think through situations, make decisions, and even access your higher intuition and creativity. When it's not cared for properly, your mind can become consumed by unnecessary stress that can wreak havoc on your health and negatively affect natural occurrences—like sleep.

You might find that thoughts are running endlessly through your mind as you try to fall asleep. This can be due to holding on to the stress of the day, worrying about the next day, or general anxiety.

In today's constantly connected world, you experience a high level of stimuli throughout the day and into the night. Do yourself a favor and remove things that are causing your mind to stay "on." Turn off anything that may be distracting at least one hour before heading to bed to allow your mind time to disconnect and slow down, including:

Phone (at least put it on "Do Not Disturb")
Another technique to quiet your mind is to journal for 2-3 minutes before going to bed. This type of light journaling releases the stress of the day and allows you to let go of your to-do list and anything else keeping you up. By writing it down, your mind is able to release anxiety and embrace stillness to help you sleep. Follow these steps:

Keep a small notebook and pen by your bed.
Write down the events of your day without any emotion, judgment, or analysis.
Record anything that you are repeating to yourself (recurring thoughts or list of "to-do's").
Finish by listing three things for which you are grateful.
Preparing Your Body for Sleep
Keeping your physical body in balance can do wonders for improving your sleep pattern.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Prayer befor sleep in night

A small prayer before going to bed to cleanse your Karmas in 4 simple steps also works with insomnia. 

Step 1.
Remain in Gratitude 🙏:
Divine Thanks to The Universe for blessing me with everything that I have got in my life today. Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you!

Step 2
Ask for Forgiveness:
Right fm my FIRST birth in all my lifetimes till now all those beings, things, souls whom I have hurt knowingly or unknowingly, I am "SORRY" for that, Please FORGIVE me, Thank You, I love you and bless you from my heart for your Highest Good in life.

Step 3 
All those beings, souls who have hurt me frm my first birth in all my lifetimes till nw I "FORGIVE" them fm my heart forever and release them from any oaths, ya ny curses if any, given knowingly, unknowingly to them.

Step 4
I "FORGIVE" myself and release myself from any guilt, if any. I love and thank every cell of my body that supported and loved me from my first birth till nw.

ॐ सह नाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सहवीर्यं करवावहै । तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु । मा विद्विषावहै ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

સારાં અક્ષર કાઢવા માટે શું કરવું ?

 સારાં અક્ષર કાઢવા માટે શું કરવું ? વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્રો, તમે ક્યારેક ને ક્યારેક તમારા શિક્ષક પાસે સાંભળ્યું હશે કે "આપણા અક્ષર મોતીના દાણ...

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