"Sharanagathi - faith can move mountains
Another term for sharanagathi is internal conductivity...........Sharanagathi is reducing your internal resistance. It is the sign of an advanced chela.
When a chela becomes internally conductive, power passes through him...........
if you have sharanagathi you will not need to do a lot of sadhana, because the blessings going to you are so intense, it will be like doing sadhana.
You will be like Hanuman, constantly looking at the Sat Guru and following the example of the Sat Guru.
When you have Sharanagathi, you will experience oneness with your Sat Guru, oneness with the Avatars and oneness with God.
A disciple is supposed to keep looking at the Sat Guru and follow the Sat Guru's inner qualities, not the physical qualities.
With Sharanagathi, you can remove obstacles bigger than the Himalayan mountains....
With sharanagathi, you can alleviate, to a certain degree, the suffering of mankind and help humanity evolve.
With sharanagathi you can do a lot of things; not everything, but a lot of things.
Pages 21 - 28
Inner teachings of hinduism revealed
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui"
Nice blog on Master GMCKS